Congress Rajya Sabha MP Chiranjeevi has finally “woken up” and vowed to fight against BJP-led Centre government. Alleging that BJP failed to keep its poll promises to the new state of Andhra Pradesh, Chiru termed Centre’s announcement of Rs 500 Crore financial aid as “minute” and “negligible”. Chiru also took on CM Chandrababu Naidu for his “soft” policy on Centre.
Speaking at a 1 Crore Signature campaign in Polavaram of West Godavari, Chiru “BJP has promised a lot for AP before elections and even mentioned it in its manifesto. But after it won the elections, it took people of AP for granted.
Even CM Chandrababu Naidu is soft on BJP and failed to fight for our rightful share.” “BJP had promised to fulfil the our budget deficits and even assured to fund for development activities. Now it has gone back on its word.
I appeal to all my fans, activists and leaders cutting across party lines to join 1 Crore signature campaign to raise our voice against injustice meted out to us,” said Chiru. Chiru’s speech got thunderous response in West Godavari.
Earlier reports have it that Chiru would join BJP and ditch Congress. Going by his fresh statements against Modi and Centre government, it’s clear that Chiru would continue in Congress in near future.