It’s we who first broke the news of maverick director Ram Gopal Varma teaming up with actor Sachiin Joshi and the film being made in two languages (Telugu, Hindi) simultaneously. The latest buzz is that the movie has been titled as “Mental” in Hindi and “Affair” in Telugu.
Currently in shooting phase, the film’s shoot is going on in Hyderabad at blitzkrieg speed. Notwithstanding the success or failure of his previous ventures, RGV is churning out films unabatedly.
He is in full throttle as he has slew of films lined up for release while several others are in various production stages. Meanwhile, RGV said to be making an erotic film XES in Hindi and Telugu. Reports have it that he would be teaming up with Ekta Kapoor for his Bollywood comeback.
While RGV is going all out to make a grand comeback, many are wondering whether he could be successful this time around. His last successful venture in Hindi was “The Attacks of 26/11”.