CM KCR directed officials concerned to conduct Godavari Pushkaralu in a grand manner by spending adequate funds besides seeking funds from Centre. During a high level review meeting here, KCR said that Godavari Pushkaralu should reflect Telangana culture and tradition.
Later, talking to media persons Endowment minister Indrakaran Reddy who attended the review meeting said that temples in five districts of the festivities will be improved. The State government will urge Rs 750 crore from Centre he said.
For Pushkaralu, the government has issued administrative sanction for Rs 12 cr he said and disclosed funds allotted include Rs 1.07 cr to Nizamabaad, Rs 4.25 cr to Adilaabaad, Rs 1.70 cr to Khammam, Rs 4.35 cr to Karimnagar Rs 80 lakhs to Warangal.
The officials were asked to take steps for constructing 82 bathing ghats in addition to existing 27 in the districts, he added.