It’s just been two years since she made her Bollywood debut, but adult star-turned-Bollywood actress, Sunny Leone has won a million Indian hearts already. From being the most searched celebrity on the internet to being an actress, who’s got some hundred fan clubs, Sunny Leone has shown it to the world, that with talent and the right attitude.
How did Indo Canadian porn star Sunny Leone look when she was teenager? Was she as pretty as she is today or are her good looks the magic of knife and brush? Above pic is the answer for you folks.That was when the Canadian Punjabi Kudi was far from being the sexy girl that she is now. She was just a peppy pre-teen Karenjit Kaur Vohra.
Meanwhile Sunny Leone is waitng for release of her upcoming flick “Beimaan Love”.Hindi filmmaker named Rajeev Chaudhari is directing and producing this flick.Sunny will be seen in a daring and bold avatar for the movie.