Ever since Pilla Zamindar director Ashok has kick started his latest movie with Anjali in the lead, there are rumours that this young Telugu beauty has grabbed the offer from the hands of talented Anushka.
However, truth seems to be something else, as Anjali clarifies that there are two film in the foray from this director’s stable. Breaking news is that director Ashok has two movies up his sleeve, one is ‘Bhagmati’ with Anushka in the lead, and other one is ‘Chitrangada’ with Anjali playing the central role.
Both are different movies with different scripts and right now Ashok is getting ready to carve both flicks simultaneously. As per insiders, already shooting of Anushka starrer Bhagmati has started. Both are female centric films and that’s why a confusion has started if Anjali has grabbed Anushka’s movie. That’s the story folks!!!