Swine flu is escalating its wings in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. As per the latest some Tollywood celebs got themselves swine flu vaccination as precautionary measure. Harshavardhan Rane said he currently saw the film where they discussed about the H2N4 virus; after that he began reading up on viruses.
He also read regarding the swine flu virus and currently he went and got a shot. He believes it’s also essential for them to get vaccinated because they keep contacting so many people on a regular basis. Lakshmi Manchu added he had a doctor (Chaitanya Challa) visit over to the house for the swine flu vaccination.
Instead of going to the hospital, where several people fear one can catch up the flu, she felt it was much safer to have a doctor and his member come over to her home. Not only her family, but they got the cooks, the drivers… the entire staff vaccinated.
Brahmaji, who is currently busy on shooting of Pandaga Chesko, says, “When a movie is being shot, a lot of people work with us on the sets, so there is a high-risk of getting Swine flu. So I have taken the vaccine and so has my family.”