Rambha’s Brother Srinivas lodged a complaint with Banjara Hills police accusing his wife Pallavi and her family members of robbing Rs 4.5 crore worth jewellery belonging to the Actress. He alleged his wife Pallavi, Pallavi’s sister Shanti Singh Chauhan, brother-in-law (GHMC Additional Commissioner) and his wife Samyukta (Commercial Tax Officer) were part of this crime.
Srinivas complained Pallavi’s Family had borrowed jewellery of his Sister on many occasions but never returned them back. He also alleged Pallavi’s Family Members weren’t allowing him to meet his Son.
Actually, Srinivas filed a cheating complaint against Pallavi’s Family in February last year at Viruvumbakam police station, Chennai. After knowing about it, Pallavi filled a dowry harassment case against Srinivas, Rambha and their parents in Banjara Hills PS. Its now Srinivas’s turn to approach Banjara Hills police for justice in the family dispute.