In an attempt to “immortalise” staunch United Andhra Pradesh protagonist and former MP Lagadapati Rajagopal, few people from Telangana wanting to install his statue in Hyderabad and even demanding to inscribe about Rajagopal’s episode in the textbooks of Telangana when dealing with the topic of Telangana movement.
A person has met CM KCR at Sachivalayam and handed him a petition seeking permission to install the statue of Vijayawada leader Lagadapati Rajagopal. Terming Lagadapati as “Lagadananda Swamy”, the person recalled KCR the hurdles created by Lagadapati including using Pepper Spray in the Parliament to stall the AP Reorganisation Bill.
The person apparently stressed the need to install Lagadapati’s statue so that to pass the historic events of Telangana movement to the future generations of Telangana. KCR apparently threw a smile and moved on. Needless to say that it’s an act to belittle Lagadapati.