The Telangana Government on Wednesday issued orders for making Warangal as Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao who conducted a high level review meeting at the Secretariat Municipal Admin Principal Secretary MG Gopal and Commissioner B Janardhan Reddy took the decision and issued orders.
Warangal area is a combination of Warangal, Hanmakonda and Kazipet. Warangal is the second-biggest city after Hyderabad in Telangana.The population of the city is now about 10 lakh.The government wanted to make Warangal a greater city in view of its historical and tourism significance.
Observing that Warangal is developing fast, the chief minister said the government intends to develop the city on par with Hyderabad in the education and industrial sectors. 42 Gram Panchayats have been merged into Warangal to this effect.
Previous Congress government has announced this proposal but then government has not yet implemented this till now.