Chief Minister KCR surprised everyone with his decision to sack Deputy CM T Rajaiah from his cabinet and replace him with Kadiyam Srihari who also hails from Warangal. Kadiyum’s entry into cabinet sent the indications thats by-election to Warangal Lok Sabha segment is inevitable.
Buzz in political circles is that former Congress MP Vivek is the strong contender to replace Kadiyam Srihari. TRS is wooing Vivek and he might quit Congress party any time soon.
Apparently, Vivek who represented Peddapalli Lok Sabha constituency till 2014 polls joined TRS few months before the general elections. After UPA left no stone unturned to pass the T-Bill in Parliament, Vivek returned to Congress and TRS fielded student leader Balka Suman as its candidate in Peddapalli. The wave in favour of Congress helped TRS win the seat with a huge majority.