Slender assets actress Ileana D’Cruz savored her good time in Bollywood consecutively bagging four films there but finally ‘Happy Ending’ marked the ending of her further driving there. As the actress has shot to immense fame with her Telugu movies over years, now reportedly has determined to come back into the south world by giving her nod for a Tamil movie.
Ileana has never done more than two films in Tamil as only the Tollywood blessed her with 15 movies. Now as per the latest news she has finally given her nod for a Tamil remake of her super hit Telugu film ‘Julai’. She is being paired opposite actor Prashanth in the movie.
The movie is titled as ‘Saahasam’ and the actor Prashanth has determined to make a dashing comeback with this particular one. So, let’s see this particular comeback of Ileana into south world can fetch her offers again in Telugu or not.