Sizzling heroine Nayantara got paired with leading hero Nandamuri Balakrishna twice earlier. Their pair sizzled on-screen as doting wife and caring husband in Boyapati Srinu’s blockbuster “Simha” and then again as mythological lords Rama and Sita in “Sriramarajyam”.
How about this super-hit pair coming back again? In fact, Nayantara has then decided to bid adieu to films after finishing her shoot on Sri Ramarajyam as she was supposed to marry Prabhudeva and retire from films. But things went haywire and Nayan is anyway back to movies.
We hear that for Balakrishna’s upcoming 99th movie that is penned by Kona Venkat and being directed by ‘Loukyam’ Srivas will have her back on board with our mass hero. Discussions are going on at the moment, and soon we will be knowing the exact detail.