Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s upcoming film in the direction of ace director Trivikram has been titled S/O Satya Murthy. There were numerous rumors about the title of this film. Jadoogar and Husharu titles made rounds in the social network as well as mainstream media.
However Trivikram decided to come up with an interesting title like his previous film Attarintiki Daredi. Son of Satya Murthy sounds very simple yet striking. It denotes boy next door kind of character played by Allu Arjun.
This film is riding on high expectations and the pre release business is just shocking everybody. People are expecting the Julayi duo to do wonders at the box office. Both Bunny and Trivikram are riding high on the successes of their previous films. Hope S/O Satya Murthy doesn’t let us down.