Advisor for Metro Sridharan said that he would submit Detailed Performance Report (DPR) to the Government by the end of March’15. Sridharan and his team visited Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada to review the development works on Metro.
Sridharan has reviewed ongoing Survey in proposed Metro corridor in Vijayawada. He said that he come to Vijayawada only to look after Metro works and designs. Sridharan will visit on Thursday in Vijayawada. Sridharan said that it is easy to build Metro Corridor for Tullur.
There is a plan to construct Subway in near Pandit Nehru Bus Station. Sridharan ordered officials to complete the Metro Survey in Vizag by the end of February. Sridharan was directly landed from Delhi to Visakhapatnam and gave directions to change the alignments in some areas for proposed Metro.
Metro works in Visakhapatnam would start works as soon as possible. There is a plan to build three corridors in Visakhapatnam during the first phase.