Team India all rounder Ravindra Jadeja filed defamation suit against Rajkot Newspaper. Ravindra Jadeja took this serious action after the evening news paper carried out a news item on extortion and land grabbing investigation including his name.
Ravindra Jadeja sued ‘Aabtak’ editor and owner Satish Mehta, demanding damages of worth Rs 51 crore. P B Parmar, crore.Principal senior civil judge issued summons to Satish Mehta asking him to appear in front of the court on 4th February.
In the news paper report published on November 20, 2014, it alleged that Ravindra Jadeja had links with Bali Dangar who is facing criminal charges of extortion and land grabbing. He alleged that even Jadeja’s business partner Jenesih Ajmera had links with Bali Dangar.
Jadeja’s lawyer Hiren Bhatt says that his client moved to court after the editor failed to respond to the notices. He said Jadeja has no links with Ajmera. Editor is not reachable to comment.