Websites are becoming profitable source for those who indulge in sex rackets. Many fraudsters are using websites for hi tech prostitution. Many of them are using websites like Locanto, Backpage, Craigslist for their prostitution business.
Recently Hyderabad police conducted raids and busted a sex racket in a house in Gachchibowli on Monday night. They arrested two pimps and saved four girls. Mohamad Irfan from Barkas in Hyderabad along with his colleague Baba is running these sex rackets with these websites.
The duo using true caller check the customers identity and once they are satisfied with their customers, they send them photos of girls and their snaps to the girls. Police on investigation found out that they are using even whatsapp for their secret hi tech prostitution.
They have been running this business appointing two women Durga and Lakshmi as caretakers.