In just 9 days after its release, Pawan Kalyan and Venky’s latest movie “Gopala Gopala” directed by Kishore Pardsasany has amassed nearly 38 crores. Blasted by critics for its slow screenplay, Shankar and Vikram science fiction kind of revenge story “I” amassed nearly 71 crores share from all languages.
These happenings made the predictions of all critics and trade experts go for a toss. For Gopala Gopala and I, movie reviewers have vehemently confirmed that these two flicks are below-average content treats that will struggle at box office. Rather tumbling with these verdicts, both the movies have went on registering some record breaking collections.
We have to thank both audiences and holiday season for this amazing feat. Imagine, what would have happened if these two films got an instant hit talk? Trade experts feel that both Gopala Gopala and I would have become industry hits had they got such blockbuster response.
“Gopala Gopala would have easily amassed 50 crore share if it has got unanimous hit talk. Similarly I would have touched 120 crores share by now across the globe”, an analyst said. Probably, Jr NTR’s “Temper” missed this wonderful full-potential season. Otherwise he would have scored a career-best hit.