Whenever there is something ‘new’ happening in Film Industry, director giant Rajamouli always keeps his busy schedules aside to appreciate it. He feels no competition and has no partiality in admiring the creative work of others and to call a spade a spade.
After praising the likes of Sampoornesh Babu and other star heroes openly, Rajamouli recently stated that both ‘I’ and ‘Gopala Gopala’ are being enjoyed by audiences though critics have blasted them. And today, he spoke about two promising trailers that took Tollywood by a storm.
He appreciated the inattentiveness in Nani’s Yeavde Subramanyam and Nikhil’s Surya Vs Suryva for their sheer brilliance. “Nikhil developed a knack of finding interesting subjects and is creating a space for himself”, stated Rajamouli, sharing his thoughts about hero Nikhil.
After choosing unique stories like Swamy Ra Ra and Karthikeya, surely Surya Vs Surya stands tall in Nikhil’s career if we have to go by the trailer.