Bollywood’s hottest lady Kareena Kapoor has recently shocked producer Ekta Kapoor with her bold decision. The wife of Pataudi has walked out from the movie that is based on former cricketer Azharuddin’s biography.
Actually Kareena agreed to play the role of Sangeetha Bijlani on silver screen. Sangeetha happened to be a hot Mumbai model who dated Azhar when he was India cricket team’s captain despite knowing the fact that he is already married.
Though Kareena liked this role initially, later she realised that reprising that hot role on silver screen will affect her off-screen friendship with real Sangeetha. Also those imitation acts might embarrass Salman Khan too, as Salman and Sangeetha dated for a while.
Anyway Azhar’s biopic hasn’t got any nod from either the former cricketer turned politician or his first wife. But Ekta Kapoor is hellbent on making this flick a reality.