Tamil actor Vijay is riding high after the success of ‘Kaththi’ and the actor is currently busy shooting for his upcoming socio-fantasy and action entertainer ‘Puli’. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music for ‘Puli’ and the producers of this film have surprised DSP by gifting him a gold ring.
Speaking about it, Devi said, “My producers were extremely happy with a song that I have composed for the film and they gifted me a gold ring. I know that the expectations are always high on Vijay’s film and I’m trying my best to deliver a good album”.
Shruti Haasan and Hansika are the leading ladies opposite to Vijay and eternal beauty Sridevi will appear in a pivotal role in the movie. Chimbu Deven is directing the film and ‘Puli’ is produced by Selvakumar and Shibu under SKT Studios banner.