January 15th and this day marks the comeback of former beauty queen and timeless beauty Aishwarya Rai Bachhan to silver screen after a four year hiatus. Post the birth of her daughter Aaradhya, she hasn’t taken any cinema assignment and finally she is wearing grease paint again from today for Sanjay Gupta’s ‘Jazbaa’.
Already Aish has lost oodles of weight in the last couple of months to look fit for the role. As she will be performing loads of stunts in the movie, a special stunt training was given to her in the last few months. Along with Aish, talented Shabana Azmi also features in the movie. Director Sanjay Gupta revealed that they will shoot at a stretch from January 15th to the middle of April such that film will be wrapped up in a single schedule. Anyway, welcome to shooting-spot Aish!!!