Not the real Tamil Ammayi, but the one who played Tamil Ammayi for Telugu audiences in the movie directed by Puri Jagan. We are talking about curvaceous siren Asin Thottumukkal, who is a well known face to Telugu audiences after super success of films like Amma Nana O Tamilammayi and Lakshmi Narasimha.
At a time when her kitty is having no single offer, hero Abhishek Bachhan roped her in for his upcoming movie ‘All Is Well’. The makers of the movie are getting ready to re-shoot couple of scenes that are filmed four months back and then started the trouble.
In fact Asin has put on lot of weight due to schedule gaps and those old scenes will not match with her present physique. Though director is rubbishing this news as a rumour, Asin is said to be delaying the filming of movie as she is on a marathon to lose some kilograms at the earlier.