Opening day of ‘Gopala Gopala’ registered nearly 9.19 crore rupees ‘share’ collection in just Andhra Pradesh and Nizam alone. This figure will touch nearly 12 crores, if revenues from other states and overseas is included. And trade circles have made a nice observation from this.
Apparently, the making cost of Gopala Gopala isn’t huge because both Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh have worked for this film on a revenue sharing model. Probably the nearly 12 crore collections will recover the making costs for Suresh Babu as the flick will not cost more than 12 crores in terms of production.
Except couple of songs and those mediocre graphics, there is nothing much of an investment in the film other than remunerations of actors. The only investment that is to be recovered from now is Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh’s salary. With second day too reporting heavy crowds, surely Gopala Gopala might make big in this festive seasons pulling more than 45+ crores effortlessly.