The Telugu Film Industry is gripped by Gopala Gopala fever. The just released film of Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh is toast of the town bringing Sankranthi festival in advance. Naturally, all eyes are on the man behind the project who made it possible to bring two big stars together. With all round applause for the direction, director Kishore Kumar Pardasani alias Dolly is naturally in limelight. And industry buzz is that he is now considered as the best option for multi-starrers with two successive hits in his kitty.
After directing Naga Chaitanya-Sunil starrer Tadakha (remake of Tamil movie Vettai), Dolly scored big with Gopala Gopala. Although his previous venture with Siddharth Konchem Ishtam Konchem Kashtam received good reviews, the movie didn’t turn out commercial success. That’s history. Now Dolly is the man of the moment. It’s learnt that many in industry are queuing up to Dolly for more multi-starrers. Seems, many more such films are in the pipeline.