Common people generally look up to celebrities whether to imitate style or derive something from their personal lives. We have seen instances where many couples followed certain scenes shown in films whether to fall in love or elope or to get marry.
And if celebrities or breaking up with their partners in love after some years, how would their fans receive it? If we take the case of Samantha’s undisclosed romance with lover boy Siddarth, many fans felt saddened after hearing the news of their breakup.
Many real life cute couples who felt themselves like Sam and Sidd always celebrated love of these two celebs as their own. As the broke up news engulfed Tinsel Town these love couples started thinking if they will also end up like their favourite stars.
However, few hardcore fans of Samantha are enjoying the new single status of their dream girl. But serious lovers are anyway trashing these opinions. Love happens between a couple whenever it should, but it has nothing to do with love life of some celebrities or anyone. So, Samantha’s breakup isn’t sending any wrong signals.