It is learnt that Yesterday Madras High Court stayed the release of multi-crore Tamil film directed by Shankar, starring Vikram and Amy Jackson in lead role which was slated for January 14th release, till January 30th on a petition alleging violation of agreements by the producers. Justice granted the temporary injunction on a petition by Chennai based Picture House Media Limited alleging violation of financial and commercial agreements between it and producers Aascar Films (Private) Ltd.
The secret behind stay on “I” release for Jan 14th is revealed by some internal sources, according to them “Gopala Gopala” producers Suresh babu & Sharth Marrar are behind this stay. Buzz is that petitioner Picture House Media Limited is company run by Potluri Vara Prasad chairman of PVP Entertainments who is one of the close buddies of Power Star Pawan Kalyan.
It is an open secret that “I” is made with International standards and this film is going to be definite hit, the only film which is releasing as the competitive of “Gopala Gopala” is “I”, so producers are planned to stop its release indirectly. If the grapevine is to be believed Sharath Marrar insisted Pawan Kalyan for asking PVP to sue a notices Producers & distributors before a week of its release schedule, it is known to everyone that any court will take nearly 15 days for financial dispute cases hearing where it gives stay on film releases and the same thing happened with “I” release.
So, now there will no competitive fro “Gopala Gopala” and it definitely crosses the more than expected collections. Many Doubts are arising in film Nagar because by Picture House Media Limited sue notice before? Director Shankar announced “I” release date couple of months before than Why Picture House Media Limited approached court before a week?
Many million dollars questions are arising in media circles which have no answers yet!!! Rumours are spreading wide in industry that Suresh Babu who is known for business mind attitude is behind this “I” stay and he also used Power Star for this. What is the exact script behind this last minute stay on “I” are not known to any but rumours are circulating wide on it.