Leader of the opposition, Jagan Mohan Reddy blamed Andhra Pradesh Government headed by TDP for the deadly bus accident at Anantapur district on Wednesday morning. Even as Government officials are trying to fasten the rescue operations, Jagan Mohan Reddy rushed to the accident spot at Madakasira and after examining the spot held Government solely responsible for the bus accident which left death of more than 16 people.
Jagan said Andhra Pradesh government is trying to place the blame either on the bus driver or some other person making them scape goats. He lashed out at the Government saying it has no humanity even after innocent students lost their lives and many more left injured in serious conditions. Jagan questioned the meager 5 lakhs ex gratia to the victims.
He demanded stringent action against the contractors and demanded compensation of Rs 25 lakhs to family members and 5 lakhs to each of the injured, so that R and B will become more responsible and ensure the safety of passengers. He asked Govt to admit its mistake and accept the moral responsibility for the bus accident.