Union Minister M.Venkaiah Naidu asked people to participate voluntarily in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s prestigious Swachh Bharat program. He said with peoples participation one can achieve anything. He added the Government of India launched Swachh Bharat Campaign getting inspired by Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi.
Venkaiah Naidu held meeting with celebrities selected as brand ambassadors and messengers for Swatch Bharat program. He requested celebrities to promote awareness among people about Swachh Bharat program. He added that it is not a political program.
Power Star Pawan Kalyan, TRS MP Kavitha, former cricketer VVS.Lakshman, Shivlal Yadav, Rameswarra Rao, GVK.Reddy, Koneru Hampi, Nitin, SP.Balasubramaniam, Akkieneni Amala, Suddala Ashok Teja, Dr.GS.Rao and others are selected as brand ambassadors for Swachh Bharat from two Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Union Govt selected 18 celebrities for Swachh Bharat mission.