TRS chief KCR is known for his highly vitriolic statements. Many will be scared to utter a single word against Telangana CM KCR and his family members Harish Rao, Kavitha and KTR. His nephew Harish Rao, daughter Kavitha and son KTR weild considerable grip becoming Ministers in Telangana state.
However a flexi erected in Sirilsila, Karimnagar district took on KCR’s son KTR. A flexi erected by students of Sirilsila blasted TRS party district chief for his atrocities against students. With the flexi erected in the main junction, many started reading the flexi stopping their vehicles.
It even questioned KTR, son of KCR who is considered close to TRS district chief. Wonder what will be the reaction of KTR and CM KCR.