KCR on Friday night headed to Kerala to attend the private wedding of a daughter of a Dubai based entrepreneur. KCR boarded a special plane from Begumpet Airport and he was accompanied by Deputy CM Mohammad Ali, Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao, MPs Kesava Rao, Jitender Reddy, Kothagudem MLA Jalagam Venkat Rao, CM chief secretary Narsing Rao.
KCR has stayed in Kerala last night and attended Mr Ashraf Ali’s daughter’s wedding today in Trissur. It may be recalled that Mr Ashraf Ali has visited Telangana. KCR last month in Hyderabad and expressed his wish to invest in the state of Telangana.
He also invited him to his daughter’s wedding. KCR will visit various forest areas in Kerala on Sunday and gather information on the precautions taken by Kerala government to safeguard the forest areas. Although it’s short two-day trip, this is first-time Telangana CM KCR is visiting Kerala after he take over the reigns.