Prominent Bollywood actor and Macho man Salman Khan is facing severe criticism in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. It is known that Sallu Bhai who is a close friend of Namal Rajapaksa, son of Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa has gone to the island country to participate in a social event which is indirectly linked to the election campaign.
Salman Khan along with Sri Lanka-born actress Jacqueline Fernandez participated in a health camp organized by the Sri Lankan party’s youth wing headed by Namal. MDMK chief Vaiko slammed Salman Khan for visiting Sri Lanka and called him a betrayer.
It is known that tensions are high in Tamil Nadu over the detaining of Tamil fishermen by Sri Lankan navy. Tamil Nadu political parties blamed Rajapaksa for playing a role in the arrest of the fishermen.
DMK, AIADMK and MDMK have asked Salman to be more considerate about Indian fishermen and stop campaigning for the president.