For Mahesh Babu’s ‘Srimanthudu’, Koratala Siva is planning it quite big in terms of casting stars with amazing face value and image. After having versatile Rajendra Prasad and new-age villain Jagapathi Babu in crucial roles, our director is on the hunt for another big star who is supposed to play a key role of either sister or mother-in-law in the movie.
We hear that Srimanthudu is a complete family drama that involves all those key relations of a large family. Already Jagapthi Babu is donning a brother’s role, while Rajendra Prasad turned grandpa. Latest requirement is an elder sister cum Attayya kind of role, with whom Mahesh had few conflicting scenes.
With Nadiya becoming a regular for such roles, Koratala and Mahesh are thinking to cast someone big and better. Other than Jayaprada and Sridevi, who would suit such roles better? More than Jaya, our iconic English Vinglish beauty would surely bring the needed dignity for the character. Even Koratala Siva is also thinking on similar lines and we have to see whom he will really select.