If Bollywood reports are to be believed, Priyanka Chopra has earned over Rs 40 Crore for the year 2014. Stunning one and all, 32-year-old PC’s annual income for this year is even baffling many of her detractors. Be it Mary Kom or Gunday or her sizzling item number in Ram Leela, 2014 has been phenomenal for Priyanka. Besides the whopping income, PC bagged several accolades and laurels this year.
She receievd prestigious titles like World Sexiest Asian 2014, The Queen of Bollywood 2014, Woman of Substance, Zee International Female Icon-2014, Most Stylish Global Icon for 2014. This is not all. Even 2015 seems hopeful for Priyanka as she signed handful of plum projects. She has signed Zoya Akhtar’s Dil Dhadakne Do, Madhur Bhandarkar’s Madam Ji, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Masthani while many others are in discussion stage.
Apart from acting, PC also proved her singing mettle with her video album ‘I can’t make you love me’. The Fashion star also part of philanthropic activities as she lent her voice for the UNICEF’s video song vouching for Children’s Rights. All in all, 2014 is PC’s year all the way.