Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh starrer ‘Gopala Gopala’ is scheduled to release on January 14th as Sankranthi treat. Will the makers be able to keep their word or not is the most worrying aspect now. Insiders say, Makers haven’t locked the audio launch date though the release date is nearing. Shooting of ‘Gopala Gopala’ is currently progressing and would continue till January 4th.
It is learnt that Pawan Kalyan is yet to dub for his role and he will be lending his voice only from January 2nd. There is still some post-production work that need to be wrapped up before applying for Censor screening. If the sources are to be believed, There is no possibility of pre-poning the release of ‘Gopala Gopala’ to January 9th for avoiding clash with Shankar’s ‘I’.
The multi-starrer could even miss Sankranthi 2015 had if there are any last minute delays. In that case, Not just Mega Fans but the Telugu movie lovers across the World will be disappointed.