Nizamabad MP and CM KCR’s daughter Kalvakuntla Kavita on Friday made an interesting announcement to the Telugu film fraternity. In an attempt to floor them, Kavita stated that the Telangana government is contemplating to give tax benefits to the films that are shot in and around Hyderabad. Kavita said, “Discussions with CM KCR on giving tax exemptions to film shootings are under way.
He reacted positively and a favourable statement on this is expected very soon. The Telangana government is committed for the development of Telugu film industry. KCR is keen on building a Film City near Rachikonda very soon and swiftly taking steps in favour of it.” KCR had recently took part of an aerial survey to identify the lands for the proposed film city near Rachakonda hillocks of Nalgonda.
The latest announcement from Kavita has surprised many as during the intense Telangana movement several TRS leaders and party activists stalled the film shootings and movie screenings. Looks like, TRS is now planning to compensate this and erase its bad name.