Madhura Sreedhar’s ‘Ladies & Gentlemen’ is all set to hit the screens on January 23, 2015. People Media have bought the overseas rights of ‘Ladies & Gentleman and an official announcement will be out in this week. After listening to the concept of ‘Ladies & Gentleman’, director Puri Jagannath was thrilled with the concept and he agreed to give his voice-over for the film.
Talking about the film, producer Sreedhar Reddy said, “When Manjunath narrated the storyline, we didn’t know whether we can make such an Urban drama in Telugu or not. But after the completing the script, we were confident on our story. This film is based on the influence of the internet on our lives. It’s a subject which the urban section can relate themselves to the characters in our film”.
First look trailer of ‘Ladies & Gentlemen’ created lot of buzz because of the lip-locks between the lead pairs. Raghu Kunche has provided the music and PB Manjunath is making his directorial debut with ‘Ladies & Gentleman’. Madhura Sreedhar and MVK Reddy are jointly producing ‘Ladies & Gentlemen’ under Shirdi Sai Combines banner.