Young Tiger NTR’s Temper shooting was to resume today in Hyderabad. The makers have made all arrangements to can the crucial jail sequences of the movie bringing in relief to the fans. When every thing seem to be fine, the movie shooting is stalled in the last minute. While we do not know the exact reason for this last minute decision, it has some thing to do with the financial issues that are going between Bandla Ganesh and Sachin Joshi.
It is said that Bandla has cheated some amount from Joshi for their earlier project, Nee Jathaga Nenundali and Sachiin is now asking for a share in Temper. We are said that Bandla is evading Sachin’s phone calls for a long time and later a phone call from Mumbai Mafia set things right. Now unless the conflict is settled, Temper may not release any sooner. There are few other issues as well for the movie. One is the remuneration issue between Bandla Ganesh and NTR.
Bandla has to give a balance of 4 Crore for NTR which the actor wants to get cleared before the movie shooting resumes. And the last problem is with the financiers of Temper. They need to give an NOC for the movie release for which they are asking Ganesh to clear all the debts right from Gabbar Singh. Bandla has been postponing the clearance for every movie. It has to be seen how the producer handle all this mess and manage to complete the film and release it.