OM MANGALAM MANGALAM is an upcoming romantic crime comedy, produced by leading Telugu filmmaker Madhura Sreedhar Reddy, along with Dr. MVK Reddy and Raj Kandukuri under Shirdi Sai Combines banner. This movie is going to be directed by Sanjeev Reddy. Entire cast (70 Characters) of OM MANGALAM MANGALAM will be selected through a Star Hunt across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in association with MAA TV & Radio Mirchi.
After the selection process, a grand live STAR LAUNCH event will be held. Madhura Sreedhar is leading filmmaker in Telugu film industry and owns a music label MADHURA which is second largest music label in Andra Pradesh & Telangana. He directed critically acclaimed movies Sneha Geetham, It’s My Love Story and Back Bench Student with all new stars.
He won ‘Best Debut Director’ award for his movie Sneha Geetham. Madhura Sreedhar Reddy’s latest production MAAYA is a critically and commercially acclaimed movie, which is directed by Nation Award winning director Neelakanta. Maaya is going to be remade as MURDER-4 in Bollywood by top filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt on Vishesh Films banner.
His upcoming film Ladies & Gentlemen, which is directed by debutant PB. Manjunath is ready for release. Madhura Sreedhar Reddy is an engineering graduate from NIT Warangal, a postgraduate from IIT Madras. Sreedhar won gold medal for his M.S research thesis at IIT Madras. He worked as project manager for top software companies TCS, INFOSYS and WIPRO for almost 12 years.
Last date for “Om Mangalam Mangalam” Star Hunt : 31st December – 2014.
Shooting Dates: Feb 1st 2015 to March 31st 2015
Film Release: May 2015.