Samantha Ruth Prabhu might be the most sought-after heroine in Telugu and Tamil now, but at the age of 16 years, she was a normal girl where many boys would be after her and few even fallen for her. Recalling her childhood memories, especially Christmas memories, Sam shared, “The was my most unforgettable festive memory was at the age of 16.
A boy had asked me for a dance and I was very exited then. That holds dear and still can’t forget that.” Talking about her wish-list to Santa Clause this year, Sam says, “The best wish I’d ask Santa is to take me back to my childhood as I enjoyed Christmas a lot with new dress, going to Church with my family and having bacon breakfast with munching rose cookies.”
Not many know that even Sam used to go to carol singing where a group of people go door to door at Christmas and raise funds by singing. What’s more is that “Silent Night” is Samantha’s favourite carol and she was always part of big groups so that people don’t hear her voice.