Mega Brother Naga Babu’s son Varun Tej has made his filmy debut today with Srikanth Addala’s Mukundha. The movie has released in good number of theaters, thanks to the power of Mega family. But Varun Tej has kicked off a controversy in the film by making a reference to Mahesh Babu but not uttering a single word about Mega family. In one of the scenes, hero asks ‘Mahesh Babu intikeldama, illu pakkane…’
But there is no single reference to Mega family in the movie. Mega fans consider Mahesh Babu as their arch rival due to professional rivalry. They are unable to digest this act of Varun Tej. We spoke to one of the Mega fans at the theater. He is visibly agitated, “On every penny this movie collects, there is Mega family name written on it. How come this guy is doing Mahesh Bhajana. We disown him from now”.
On the other side, there are complains of the movie being too slow and Varun Tej being rigid with no proper facial expressions. The movie will have a very tough time at the box office if Chinnadana Nee Kosam releasing tomorrow gets good talk. Mukundha has to collect a minimum of 20 Crore to be called as a hit.