We all know that super hit Telugu movie ‘Okkadu’ is getting remade in Hindi as ‘Tevar’. As betterment happens with some remakes, this Bollywood bonanza featuring Arjun Kapoor and Sonakshi Sinha in the leads is looking quite dashing and more intense than the original. And here comes Shruti Haasan’s fete detat for the movie.
Initially Shruti was supposed to sing a song for the flick. But unlike in Aagadu where she sang and danced for same item number, here in Tevar she has rendered a beautiful melody that sent everyone puzzling. ‘Joganiya’ is the song she has sung, and this heart touch melody is so emotional and hair rising that it became instant chart buster.
And coming to her dance stint, she has shaken a leg for the song ‘Madamiyan’ where she showcased the best of her curves and dancing sills. Surely, she spiced up the Okkadu remake with her titillating presence.