Nara Lokesh has hit out strongly at the leader of Opposition YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. Blaming Jagan for not helping the victims of cyclone Hudhud despite his promise to donate Rs 50 Lakh, Lokesh took to twitter to point at Jagan. “Jagan you promised Rs 50,00,000 towards Hudhud relief. Time for you to come clean on how you spent that money, before criticizing @ncbn!,” wrote Lokesh.
It may be recalled that Jagan had come forward to help the Hudhud victims only after a lot of dilly dallying. He vowed to donate Rs 50 Lakh towards the relief measure activities of Hudhud cyclonic storm. He had stated that relief measure activities would be done through YSR Foundation.
With nothing concrete has been done so far by Jagan, TDP Coordinator for Cadre Welfare Fund and Naidu’s scion, Lokesh questioned Jagan’s integrity and honesty on Hudhud victims. Of late, Lokesh has been actively involving in party activities and giving befitting counters to rival parties YSRCP and TRS in AP and Telangana respectively.
His latest remarks on Jagan say that all. It’s time for Jagan to prove his honesty for people and keep his promise.