The Banjara Hills police has reportedly filed a charge sheet in a case that was lodged against the TDP MLA A Revanth Reddy where a Telangana advocate had charged him with making defamatory statements against CM. This charge sheet which was reportedly filed a week ago, had came to light only this Friday at the Third Chief Metropolitan Magistrate at Nampally.
The Banjara Hills police reportedly said there was prima facie evidence against Revanth for making these remarks. Revanth Reddy reportedly alleged that one needs to have Rs 100 crore for meeting KCR and Rs 3 crore to secure an appointment his son K T Rama Rao. After the petition, the Nampally court had directed Banjara Hills police to investigate this matter and file a report.
Revanth Reddy has been charged under IPC sections 504 (Insult intended to provoke breach of peace) and 505 (False statement, rumour, etc circulated with the intent to cause mutiny or offence against the public peace) which would attract imprisonment for a period of three years or fine or both.