You know it is a common scenario to have films getting dubbed and remade from Tamil to Telugu, Hindi to Telugu, Malayalam to Telugu. But a Marathi film coming to Telugu is very rare. Given the fact that Marathi industry is far behind when compared to Tollywood and is quite restricted to its territory in Maharashtra is known.
However, things are changing. Last year, the Marathi movie ‘Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai’ got remade as ‘Made In Vizag’ in Telugu and this was directed by Kanmani. Later on, it was Pawan Kalyan’s wife Renu Desai who came up with another Marathi movie into Telugu. This is titled as ‘Ishq Wala Love’.
Now, another movie titled as ‘Andhra Pori’ is launched and this is a remake of the Marathi hit movie ‘Timepass’. Well, it looks like we are in a position to get inspired from Marathi movies also though we have original writers and creative thinkers here. But then, let us welcome all this positively and as long as there is a good product around, we shall encourage it.