Mining baron and former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhan Reddy, who has been in jail for three years now since he was picked up by CBI on charges of illegal mining, managed to secure a bail in another case of “Cash for bail”. The High Court of judicature at Hyderabad on Thursday granted bail to Gali in connection with the case of “Cash for bail”. However, Gali has to spend more time in jail in OMC case.
Although he was expecting bail in OMC case as CBI offered him conditional bail with seven conditions, the counsel of Gali apparently objected one of the conditions. Asking the CBI to reconsider its conditions, the Supreme Court has put off the hearing of Gali’s bail application to next month. With this Gali has to stay in the jail for another one month.
According to reports, the CBI has insisted on the court barring Mr Reddy from visiting Ballari after getting out on bail and on him remaining in Bengaluru. It has made it clear he cannot go abroad and will have to report to the jurisdictional police station once a week. He has also been told not to threaten witnesses or destroy evidence.