According to reports, Super Star Rajnikanth’s Lingaa got trimmed by nine minutes to improvise the viewing experience of audiences. With theatrical rights of the movie sold for around 140 crores across the globe, surely this commercial flick has to pull more than it could chew.
But will this chopping really helps? Around 6 minutes in first half and 3 minutes in second half of the flick got chopped, as Lingaa pocketed around 87 crores gross collections from worldwide box offices. On a whole this 9 minute chopping may not do any magic, but will surely let audiences feel that something miraculous has happened.
On the dark side, Lingaa failed to evince interest due to its haphazard narrative and that might end buyers in 30-40% losses, say trade experts. Eros entertainment has brought Lingaa theatrical rights for 120 crores, and sold it to local distributors for decent profits.
All in all, Andhra, Telangana and Tamilnadu local distributors doled around 100+ crores to release the movie. As of now the film is getting good response as Rajni’s fans want to catch the movie even once.