Finally the closing ceremony for 2014 is inching closer. If we recall the best grossing Telugu films of the year, then it is Sytlish Star Allu Arjun who is topping the charts. His ‘Race Gurram’ directed by Surrender Reddy collected nearly 55+ crores, standing as No.1 grosser of the year while only Balayya’s Legend and Charan’s Govindudu Andarivadele (not a profitable venture for some distributors) made past 40 crores.
All biggies like Rabhasa, Aagadu, Power fell flat on their face without entering any of these big clubs. Before the year ends, debuting Mega hero Varun Tej and lover boy Nitin are arriving with Mukunda and Chinnadana Ne Kosam. Both the films look like subtle romantic subjects that suit the nature of this winter quite well.
For his dashing looks and handsome screen presence Varun started creating tremors already, garnering huge hype for his debut movie. On the other hand, Nitin is on a role with hattrick hits at box-office as he is expecting a Toli Prema kind of blockbuster this time with Karunakaran at the helm.
By any chance if these two flicks amass huge positive talk on first day, then there will be a chance of scaling those big crore clubs. Could Varun achieve such a roaring success? Is Nitin’s stamina enough to pull such a terrific blockbuster? Will these two youngsters touch Race those might clubs occupied by the leading heroes. ? Only time has the answer!