SS Rajamouli is going to be on cloud nine, especially after getting a compliment from none other than Superstar Rajinikanth. Speaking at the curtain raiser of ‘Lingaa’ at Hyderabad, Rajini said, “After working for 40 years in this industry, it is our responsibility to make films on a moderate time and show a path to the youngsters.
Of course films like ‘Baahubali’ needs lot of time as they belong to a different genre. SS Rajamouli is going to become No.1 director in India and I’m sure that he will make Telugu people proud. I really want to work with Rajamouli”. We don’t see Rajinikanth often saying that he wants to work with a director. Rajamouli is currently shooting in Bulgaria for ‘Baahubali’ along with Prabhas, Tamanna and others.