Hyderabad police on Saturday arrested Ex-MLA’s son Suman in connection with a theft case. As per the reports Suman, Son of Former Mahabubnagar MLA late Ramesh, who has got the fetish for luxury cars has developed a habit of stealing them. Suman was a spoiled brat and used to spend lavish life and lost all his money .So even after few economic crunches he wanted live big and spend lavishly.
For that he chooses to turn thief and steals luxury vehicles from posh localities. While he used to sell some of the cars, he used change number plates of other cars and uses them to drive his girl friend’s. Recently a complaint was lodged at police station saying that a car was stolen from Daspella hotel parking area in Jubilee hills.
Upon checking the CCTV Footage, Cops identified the culprit and traced him.After interrogation they came to know the details of Suman. As per reports a BMW and 2 Vernas worth Rs 56 llakhs have been recovered from him. Suman agreed that he stole a BMW car from a Pub in Jubilee Hills to go on a long drive with his Girlfriend.