Telangana Telugu Desam Party leaders on Saturday compared their party president and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu with cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. Referring to the Telangana Rashtra Samithi leaders’ observation that there would be no existence of the TDP in Telangana State in the next five years, Telangana TDP election committee convener E Peddi Reddy said it would be the TRS which would be hounded out of power in the next elections.
Time was not far away to teach a lesson to TRS, he said. Citing the example of Sachin Tendular, Peddi Reddy said when the cricket genius was out for a duck in some innings, several people wrote him off. But Sachin said said that his bat would give reply to his critics. Later, Sachin created history in the world with his centuries in the cricket field.
“In the same way, under Naidu’s leadership, the party will emerge as a strong force and come to power in next elections in Telangana State,” he asserted. Peddi Reddy said that TDP founded by late NTR belonged to the poor and downtrodden people and it is an ocean. “If they (TRS) take four pots of water, it does not make any difference,” he said.